Project Team: Müller-Seitz, G., Reuter, C., Stöckmann, C., Wilden, W.

Epidemic Communicator (2011) Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz / Prof. Dr. Carsten Reuter / Dr. Christoph Stöckmann / Dipl. Des. Wotan Wilden The objective of this Peter Pribilla Fellowship project is to elucidate how service innovations in the face of uncertainty, with regard to food borne disease outbreaks, emerge. This context is deemed adequate due to its high societal, and managerial relevance, as recent serious human infections in the course of enter haemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) have highlighted an unexpected vulnerability in the German health care sector this year. What is more, we aim at getting a more thorough understanding of how actors, in particular organizations, actually face uncertainty. Thus, we make service innovations and managerial practice efforts visible, ensuing from dealing with uncertainty resulting from large scale disease outbreaks. Uncertainty – understood here as the unexpected and non-calculable – by contrast to calculable risks has been only rarely researched